Yoni Breathing Treasures
Seven short 7-15 minute guided Yoni Breathing practices to help you love your yoni. Create tone, dexterity, and suppleness for your vaginal and pelvic health, as well as to enhance and expand your pleasure and orgasmic potential.
Women's Sex Secrets 101
The 101 on sex for women and 101 sexual secrets for truly pleasurable, expansive, and fulfilling sex. You can use this as a guided book or print the secrets out and use them like oracle cards.
Empowered Feminine Messaging, Marketing and Sales
An in-depth 3 part masterclass about empowered, ethical messaging, marketing, and sales with total integrity. Inclusive of a messaging template, clarity questions play-sheet and examples.
Intimate Tantric Massage
A 4 module workshop and presentation that teaches the secrets of female and male pleasure, as well as a full body tantric massage sequence, inclusive of Yoni and Lingam massage. There is no nudity in the demo videos.
Inspire The Empowered Masculine
A 4 week online course that teaches you exactly how to Inspire The Empowered Masculine within Your Man. Learn how to become truly empowered and authentically expressed within in your relationship. Have the tools to communicate in magnetic ways.
Awaken Your Pleasure
A 6 week online course that teaches you how to heal and awaken your sensual and sexual self including your Yoni. Learn the secrets of sexual self-healing, female pleasure and orgasm. Weekly pre-recorded teachings, tools, and guided practices.